What We Do

Sales Process Strategy:
Design, Metrics, Training, and Tools

RevenueForce will work with you to tailor your strategy and development initiative to ensure 100% applicability to your sales environment. The first step in tailoring is determining the sales methodology to be used as the core framework and to modify the training content to fit your marketplace.

The process includes:

● Tailoring of competency model to be utilized in the skill assessment phase of development.

● Creation of case studies to be used during training to model key behavior.

● Implementation of selling and account management tools.

● Customization of course content to match the skill development requirements of the participants.

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A critical step in effectively rolling out a performance improvement initiative is to assess the current state of the team. RevenueForce will work with you to assess your sales or account management organization on three levels:


Utilizing a customized scorecard, individualss are assessed based on current and past performance leveraging all historical data available.


Working with your leadership team, we will define the competencies and key skill areas to be measured.


Utilizing the proprietary RevScore™, participants will be assessed on the four key attributes of top performers: Integrity, Accountability, Attitude, and Motivation.

Classroom Workshops/Self-Directed Training

The training is used as a catalyst to drive behaviors and to “try on” skills. Throughout the workshops, participants will be applying these new selling strategies to “real” opportunities. This can be applied to Inside, Territorial, and Complex Selling environments. Our belief is that the field is our classroom.

Performance Coaching

Coaching is a critical aspect of successfully deploying any development initiative. RevenueForce will work with you to determine the most effective method for reinforcing the strategy/training through tools and coaching.

Typical elements of coaching include:

Field Coaching –
Intensive one-on-one coaching out in the field—where it really matters. This step includes overall performance along with targeting “live” opportunites.

Coach the Coach Training –
Strategy to equip the sales leader with the tools to diagnose performance challenges and what corrective action needed to improve a reps outcomes (including both skills and engagement).

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