How We Do It
Performance Accountability means an individual owns his or her personal development and business results. RevenueForces takes what top performers do by instinct and structures it, so that it is done by design.
Our process helps to diagnose an individual’s performance gaps against company’s benchmarks. This helps identify if the individual sales rep may be underperforming due to sales effectiveness or productivity, and determines what corrective course of action needs to be taken.
We also understand that 70% of development occurs through on-the-job experiences so our process includes ensuring application in the in their field execution.
RevenueForce enables sales organizations to create a sustainable coaching culture to drive short and long-term sales performance gains. To get started, follow the four-step approach outlined below:
Assess Your Talent
Sales reps should be assessed against both tangible sales skills as well as personality attributes. The combination of these data points when combined with quota attainment information allows you to identify which sales reps are most likely to improve.
RevenueForce has created five categories to help sales leaders assess and score talent in their sales organizations. The five categories that organize sales reps and their performance include:
Top performer (demonstrates peak performance, is fully engaged)
These reps tend to improve with classroom training alone because they have a desire to do so. They are usually engaged fully and will devote an enormous amount of discretionary effort to activities that contribute to the company’s success.
Consistent performer (highly engaged)
Consistent performers are highly engaged but do not possess a desire to be the best. They want to be viewed by their peers as contributors. Consistent performers will devote a considerable amount of extra time and effort when it is needed, but they set limits that are well within their comfort zones.
Moderate performer (maintainer of status quo)
These reps tend not to improve with classroom training alone. They are usually under engaged, and will put in enough time and effort to do acceptable work and meet basic performance expectations, but not much more. They are the maintainers of both status quo and of comfort level.
Under achiever performer (under-engaged)
Under achievers fail to meet minimum job requirements and the quality of their work is unacceptable. They are under-engaged to disengaged.
Bottom performer (disengaged)
They under achieve for a variety of reasons. They are employees who are checked out and no one has determined why they are disengaged. Many times, these people quit their jobs – and don’t even tell anyone they have given up or checked out.
Define Metrics and Establish A Benchmark
RevenueForce collects four types of data that help to establish sales performance benchmarks and provide a foundation for scoring and predicting performance. The RevenueForce score is tailored to your organization and industry and generated by a proprietary algorithm based on:
Leading indicators
Activity-based metrics that predict the sales rep’s capability to achieve the end goal. They can include such measures as number of calls/visits to prospects required per week to convert a prospect to a customer or the number of proposals to be issued per quarter. This data helps to answer how reps are performing in terms of their level of sales activity.
Lagging indicators
These indicators are outcomes or results. Most organizations track this data according to each rep’s sales volume and or quota attainment.
Skills and competency assessment
The skills and competency assessment focuses on the skills needed to be effective within a sales organization. It also creates awareness for sales reps by providing a view of how they view themselves versus their manager. This data point is particularly important because many low and moderate performers lack accurate self-perception and often benefit from a greater sense of self-awareness.
Attributes and personality self-assessment
The attributes assessment focuses on four key personality attributes that are predictive of sales success: Integrity, Accountability, Attitude, and Motivation. It helps to determine the degree to which individuals are engaged and calls out some of the strategies they use to improve outcomes.
Generate RevenueForce Score
Once data has been collected and assessments have been completed, RevenueForce scores can be generated for your sales organization. The score allows organizations to:
● Help sales managers diagnose non-performance for their team members
● Identify corrective action needed to improve results within individual sales reps
● Rate individual sales reps’ probability to meet results
● Track performance over time
● Provide a starting point measurement or baseline requirement for new hires
Create A Coaching Culture
With the right data in hand, organizations have the foundation to create an environment for self-awareness and smarter coaching. However, it is critical to recognize that coaching is a competency that must be embedded into an organization’s culture.
There is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to coaching. Instead, organizations must consider their unique needs and ensure those intricacies are addressed in their assessment and coaching efforts. In addition, bringing sales managers on board early in a sales effectiveness program is critical to achieving buy-in early and creating a coaching culture.
RevenueForce provides the tools and roadmap to drive the cultural change organizations need in order to foster sales rep self-awareness and assist sales managers to:
● Diagnose those specific behavioral changes needed to help sales reps improve
● Coach effectively to specific performance issues
● Make coaching a collaborative experience between themselves and their team members