Who We Are

RevenueForce is a global sales training company which drives performance improvement regardless of the organization’s standardized sales process.  We never ask our clients to sacrifice their current sales methodologies. We just help make it work. We provide strategy, analytical tools, and learning to enable individual contributors and sales managers to isolate gaps and identify the behavior change required to improve performance. Our goal is to drive quantifiable performance improvement across team members.

We Answer Key Questions on Sales Leader’s Minds:

  1. How do I get the most value out of sales training and development investments?
  2. How can I predict which sales team members can make sustained improvements?
  3. How do I equip my sales managers to make the most of coaching interactions?
  4. How do I create a collaborative coaching culture within my sales organization?

Our Belief

Each individual has the ability to get incrementally better results. Most need a combination of a better roadmap, awareness, and an engaged sales leader to improve performance.

We also understand that many Sales Leaders are not spending as much time as they would like coaching their teams.  We want to provide them both strategy and tools to more effectively diagnose critical behavior changes needed to improve a rep’s performance.

Sales managers need to become equipped to not only identify and understand improvement opportunities for each individual sales rep, but support and encourage sales reps to own their professional development through effective one-to-one coaching. Ultimately, managers need to be given the tools to:

  1. Diagnose specific behavioral changes needed to help sales reps improve
  2. Coach effectively to specific performance issues
  3. Make coaching a collaborative experience between themselves and their team members

RevenueForce is a game-changing strategy and tool that can help managers do just that. It predicts the future success of individual sales reps, diagnoses specific performance issues to identify coaching opportunities, and creates a platform for organizations to drive sustained sales performance improvement.

Our Sales Enablement Approach

Can This Person Sell?

Understand the key skills required to execute a sales role  regardless of selling environment. Establishment of the sales process, correlating metrics are critical to identify skills needed for success.

Will This Person Sell?

An engaged employee is more likely to execute the strategy the company defined and supports. Selling is a challenging profession with significant barriers. The ability to provide strategies and tactics to improve an individual’s engagement including motivation, attitude, and accountability is critical for success. 

What Are The Leading Indicators?

Sales productivity can be a significant factor in diagnosing and correcting low to moderate performance.

What Are The Lagging Indicators?

Understanding both the historical and quarterly performance results enables companies to accurately assess the performance of the individual contributors and overall team.

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